FraenkelLAB is pleased to present two new videos by Richard T. Walker: an occasionally related occurrence #1 and an occasionally related occurrence #2. Projected through the window of the gallery on 1632 Market Street Tuesday through Saturday evenings (5:30-8:30pm), these two artworks continue Walker’s exploration of the experience of the individual within the natural landscape.
Filmed in the Black Rock desert, an occasionally related occurrence #1 starts with a cymbal in the center of the screen. Rocks and stones interrupt the frame, hitting and missing the cymbal, as if the landscape is playing for and to itself. Eventually the cymbal succumbs to the inertia of the desert, silenced as it falls to the ground.
For an occasionally related occurrence #2, the artist produced a record of a chorus of keyboards playing a looped chord progression. The record is a ‘picture disk’ of an 19th-century etching of mount Shasta in Northern California. The etching is placed in front of a mountain in the eastern Sierra Nevada mountains, creating a strange visual space that plays with notions of distance in real and fabricated, geographical and historic terms.
FraenkelLAB, opened in April 2016 and spearheaded by Frish Brandt and Jeffrey Fraenkel, is Fraenkel Gallery’s venue for adventurous artwork from any era and in any medium. Follow @fraenkelLAB on Instagram for the latest news about upcoming events.