Richard Misrach: Color Reverse Scrubs
These large-format abstract photographs take as their source close-ups of shrubland vegetation, digitally reversed along the color spectrum to create supernatural shapes and patterns.
These large-format abstract photographs take as their source close-ups of shrubland vegetation, digitally reversed along the color spectrum to create supernatural shapes and patterns.
These large-format abstract photographs take as their source close-ups of shrubland vegetation, digitally reversed along the color spectrum to create supernatural shapes and patterns.
This latest installation in Misrach’s ongoing Desert Cantos series explores the entire length of the US/Mexico border, in photographs made with a large-format camera as well as images captured with an iPhone.
An ongoing series exploring the abstracted pattern of an edgeless ocean surface, and the gestures and expressions of bathers adrift in the water.
Photographed over several years from an unchanging vantage point, the series offers a meditation on the light, color, and atmosphere which transcend a fixed and familiar view.