Sol LeWitt & Liz Deschenes

The exhibition pairs wall drawings with imageless photographs.

Fraenkel Gallery is pleased to present simultaneous exhibitions of three important wall drawings by Sol LeWitt, with new photographs by Liz Deschenes. Deschenes’s recent work, loosely inspired by LeWitt, will appear with the wall drawings in the gallery’s Geary Street space.

Sol LeWitt, Wall Drawing #786, 1995
black pencil, black crayon, dimensions variable. A 36-inch grid covering the wall. All two-part combinations of arcs from corners and sides. Black pencil grid, black crayon lines.

Gallery II will be installed with Wall Drawing #669, an irregular twelve-pointed star drawn with India ink and filled in solid, first executed in 1991.

Sol LeWitt, Wall Drawing #340A, 1993
black crayon, dimensions variable. A six-part drawing. The wall is divided horizontally and vertically into six equal squares, bordered and separated by 6-inch white bands. Within each square a geometric figure, outside of which are black horizontal parallel lines and within which are black vertical parallel lines. All lines are one inch apart, and the horizontal lines do not enter the figures. Drawn in black crayon.

Wall Drawing #340A, first exhibited at the Addison Gallery of American Art in 1993, will be installed in Gallery III. The wall will be divided horizontally and vertically into six equal squares, each containing a geometric figure comprised of vertical, parallel lines.

Liz Deschenes, Untitled (Étienne-Jules Marey #1), 2017
thirteen unique gelatin silver photograms, 85-7/8 x 85-7/8 inches (overall installation) [218 x 218 cm]

Her photograms are a direct record of atmospheric conditions during the process of their production: light, humidity, and the outside temperature, among other factors, determine the surface of the final works.

Learn more about Liz Deschenes’ camera-less photography from SFMOMA & ICA Boston in the video below.

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