Christian Marclay: Works on Paper
Christian Marclay: Works on Paper

Splsh, 2014
acrylic paint and oil base screen print ink on paper, 39-1/2 x 32 inches (framed) [100.3 x 81.3 cm]

Slutch, 2013
acrylic paint and oil base screen print ink on paper, 43 x 31 inches (framed) [109.2 x 78.7 cm]

Scream (Green Particles), 2019
woodcut, 39-7/8 x 48-1/4 inches (framed) [15.7 x 19 cm]

Untitled (Cut Throat), 2020
comic book and magazine cutouts on paper, 17-1/8 x 16-5/8 inches (sheet) [43.5 x 42.2 cm]

Scream (Yellow Woodchips), 2019
woodcut, 37-1/2 x 31-1/8 inches (framed) [14.7 x 12.4 cm]

Christian MarclaySplsh
acrylic paint and oil base screen print ink on paper, 39-1/2 x 32 inches (framed) [100.3 x 81.3 cm]

Christian MarclaySlutch
acrylic paint and oil base screen print ink on paper, 43 x 31 inches (framed) [109.2 x 78.7 cm]

Christian MarclayScream (Green Particles)
woodcut, 39-7/8 x 48-1/4 inches (framed) [15.7 x 19 cm]

Christian MarclayUntitled (Cut Throat)
comic book and magazine cutouts on paper, 17-1/8 x 16-5/8 inches (sheet) [43.5 x 42.2 cm]

Christian MarclayScream (Yellow Woodchips)
woodcut, 37-1/2 x 31-1/8 inches (framed) [14.7 x 12.4 cm]